Návštěva z partnerské školy v Zaragoze ve Španělsku

V týdnu od 28. listopadu do 2. prosince navštíví naši školu vyučující  z Katedry financí a účetnictví University v Zaragóze ve Španělsku. Specializuje se na použití výpočetní techniky a management. Bližší informace najdete v anglickém a španělském jazyce níže. Jeho návštěva povede k zlepšení vzájemné informovanosti a spolupráce našich škol jak v programu Erasmus tak i mimo něj.

Raúl León Soriano (Coordinador)

Raúl León is an associate professor in the Finance and Accounting Department at the University of Zaragoza, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences (Teruel),  and a member of the GESES and the SoGReS research groups.

He received a B.S degree in Computer Engineering for Business Management from the University of Zaragoza, and a M.S. and PhD degrees in Computer Engineering, as well as a M.S. degree in Finance and Accounting, from the Universitat Jaume I.

His research is focused on enterprise information systems, business strategic planning and management, modelling and simulation of business processes, as well as the integration of corporate social responsibility into business strategies and information systems

Ingeniero Técnico en Informática de Gestión (2002, Universidad de Zaragoza) e Ingeniero en Informática (2004, UJI).  Becario FPI (2006-2010) en el Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos y en el Departamento de Finanzas y Contabilidad, ambos de la Universitat Jaume I de Castellón. Experto Universitario en RSC por la UNED (2008), Doctor en Ingeniería Informática, dentro del programa de doctorado en Sistemas Informáticos Avanzados, y Máster en Gestión Financiera y Contabilidad Avanzada (2012). Ha desempeñado labores docentes en diversos departamentos de la Universidad Jaume I de Castellón, así como también de manera independiente.

Cuenta con experiencia profesional en el campo del desarrollo Web y en  la selección, implantación y administración de herramientas de inteligencia empresarial y sistemas ERP así como con una estancia en el extranjero con una beca Universtage (Universidad de Zaragoza) en el Instituto Cervantes de Londres (2005).

Actualmente su investigación está centrada en la integración de la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa en las estrategias empresariales, así como en la integración y extensión de los sistemas de información e inteligencia empresarial para dar soporte a los requisitos de sostenibilidad. Los resultados de su investigación han sido defendidos en diferentes congresos y se encuentran publicados en diversos libros y revistas de carácter nacional e internacional.

A titulo personal, colabora activamente con diversos proyectos y organizaciones estrechamente relacionados con la RSC, entre ellos Economistas sin Fronteras, el Observatorio de Responsabilidad Social o la Cátedra de Responsabilidad Corporatica de Telefónica en la UNED.

What he thinks about the visit

The Private University College of Economics Studies (PUCES) friendly college located in the north east of Praga. As a Spanish lecturer on finance and accounting, I have had the opportunity of offering some lessons to some of the students of this college, in the context of the Erasmus + program.

Coming from the small Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of University of Zaragoza, Teruel Spain, I was expecting to find a big UNIVERSITY , but instead it turned out in a is a small and familiar institution. Far from being a handicap, the small size of the college makes it possible for the visiting lecturer to integrate into the faculty from the very first moment. Vladimír Přech, responsible of international agreements, plays and essential role in welcoming visitors and introducing them to the staff and students of PUCES. His politeness and his language skills- Czech, French, Spanish, English, Germany, some Russian—and probably others—are a guaranty for any visiting lecturer (thank you very much Vladimir). More over, the college can be easily accessed by several tram lines, and the metro line B (Palmovka station), and it also offers a reasonable schedule for lessons, so the teaching compromises of the stay also let the visitor some time to learn about the city and the culture of the country.

The lessons were addressed to students of diverse foreign language courses in economic studies degrees. Therefore, while the focus of the lessons were not finance and accounting, these topics where used to centre the discussion of lessons, with some students presenting a high motivation and knowledge levels. The structure of the classes, mainly based of students participation by discussion and reflection, serves particularly well to the purposes of the Erasmus + program, as there exists a real interchange between visiting and visited parts.
The teaching experience in has therefore been very satisfying in several ways, and there is no doubt that I would be really pleased to have the opportunity to visit the PUCES in the future.

Raúl León