Study Information 

The Private University College of Economic Studies , Ltd. (hereafter "PUCES" ) is a non-university independent (private) tertiary education institution offering accredited undergraduate and Master´s study programmes (as well as lifelong learning schemes) and carrying out associated scholarly, research and developmental activities. 

Academic programmes and degrees awarded

PUCES offers undergraduate (Bachelor´s degree) study programme Economics and Management, containing the curricula of three accredited study branches (Management of Organizations, Accounting and International Economics and Law in Enterprise). Since autumn 2009, PUCES has been running a follow-up Master’s degree programme (Economics and Management), offering three specializations (Strategic Management, Corporate Finance Management and International Business Management). After passing the state final examination, PUCES graduates are awarded Bachelor's degree ("bakalář", Bc.). After graduating in Strategic Management, Cooporate Finance Management or International Business Management, PUCES graduates are granted Master’s degree ("inženýr", Ing.). 

Graduate's profile 

PUCES graduates are qualified for entering a profession or a post-graduate (PhD) study programme. PUCES study programmes develop a thorough grasp of managerial and accounting knowledge, methods and techniques. The students receive comprehensive professional, legal and language training. The graduates may pursue their careers both in national and multinational institutions (in public and private sectors alike) at particular levels of management since the professions of a manager and an accountant are essential for effective running of all organizations. The acquired knowledge, skills and the effectiveness of practical experience have a substantial bearing on the graduates' employability and actual work placements. 


Admission to PUCES is conditional upon completing a full secondary general or vocational education (A-level or equivalent), admission to the follow-up Master´s degree programme being conditional on passing Bachelor´s degree final examinations. PUCES enrols candidates on the basis of a career-oriented admission interview, verifying applicants' aptitude for business studies and clarifying contractual terms of paid education provision. After entering into a contract with PUCES, students are charged tuition fees of CZK 55,000 (Bc. study) or CZK 57,000 (Ing. study) per academic year. (Fees are paid in two instalments - at the beginning of winter and summer semesters respectively.)

Short History account
PUCES Educational Activities



Czech Republic - information 
Co-operating schools
Information package ECTS
How to get to our school
Erasmus students‘ reflection
Application form (MS Word)
