Luisa Esteban-Salvador is Associate Professor at Department of Accounting and Finance, University of Zaragoza (Spain) since 1995. She received her Ph.D in the area of gender and corporate governance studies. Her Doctoral Thesis dealt with gender influence on business efficiency, studying the composition of company boards of directors. Esteban’s current research interests focus on gender, including female involvement in social economy, female entrepreneurs, as well as issues of the development of innovation in higher education. She has directed several research projects about these fields, and participated in some financed by the Spanish Women’s Institute. She has attended international conferences and seminars about gender and management and is the author of a book about women in business and economy.
Dr. Esteban has publications in recognized and reputed journals such as Journal of Women Politics & Policy, Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, Revista de Educación, CIRIEC, European Business Organization Law Review, or REVESCO, among others, and is peer-review of different journals on the Social Sciences Citation Index. She has participated in different mobility programs in the framework of the Socrates-Erasmus Program. She has been visiting researcher in various universities in Latin America, Europe, the U.S. and New Zealand. At this time she is conducting a research for three months in Toulouse Le Mirail University (France). Dr. Esteban has also held administrative positions at the University including, from 2009 to 2013, serving as Dean of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences. Currently she is the Associate Dean of International Relations and Research and deputy director of IET Research Institute.
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