Courses' Annotations


general courses / compulsory for all undergraduates

Course name: Quantitative Methods I (Mathematics)

Course annotation:

The essence of Mathematics is to enable students to use a variety of analytical tools, in order to solve real-life problems they may tackle in their professions. Students are able to apply their knowledge and skills belonging to the basics of mathematical calculus, considered as an introduction to higher maths. Mathematics enrich students’ abilities to evaluate events logically and make the right decisions in practical business situations, all as an essential part of management skills. The subject of mathematics creates suitable conditions for developing knowledge and skills contained in other courses which are necessary to acquire corresponding qualifications (Statistics, Finance and Actuarial Mathematics). The knowledge of mathematics in this case contributes to the ability to read specialist publications. Mathematically-logical education cultivates the attitude towards problem-solving in a variety of areas and lets individuals tackle the basics of these problems. The subject is taught in the form of lectures and seminars with emphasis on comprehension and practical application of given themes.

Course name: Quantitative Methods II (Statistics)

Course annotation:
The main goal of education in Statistics is to teach students how to use statistical methods while composing and evaluating multiple data essential for executive tasks. Students know how to apply the basic methods of investigating dependencies, analyses and prognoses in developmental tendencies (e.g. analyses and prognoses of business cycle) and methods of statistical induction (estimates, tests of hypotheses) mainly used in marketing research. Within the framework of this subject, students also come across methods of acquiring multiple data (random sampling), with the publication of their outcomes and interpretations of the most significant indicators applied in economic analyses.

Course name: Quantitative Methods III (Finance and Actuarial Mathematics)

Course annotation:
The task of this course is to lead students to understanding the methodology employed in financial markets, including practical applications of the knowledge gained. Students acquire mathematical skills (e.g. interest calculation) that are in both actuarial and financial use. The selected models of population mathematics and statistics (e.g. payments models) are presented and explained.


Course name: First Foreign Language
Course annotation:
Linguistic education is an integral part of preparation for a versatile and professionally capable graduate working in the globalizing economy. Integration of the Czech Republic in the international trade poses a heavy demand on linguistic competence of all participating actors (executives especially). From the language user’s point of view of a non-philological programme graduate, the knowledge of a foreign language in itself is not the main target, but a means of effective communication. This concept of education arises from the analysis of graduate’s linguistic needs and mastering a foreign language plays a major integration role in graduate’s profile.
Students can choose between English and German language courses according to the current level of their language proficiency and knowledge. External or/and internal differentiation of the instruction is subject to the size of particular language classes.
The main task of the subject is to develop the ability of spoken and written communication with a foreign business partner up to an upper-intermediate level. The content of the subject is based on semantical-functional principle. Communication skills are taught in model situations of professional and social encounters. Linguistic skills (spoken and written communication, reading and listening comprehension) are acquired through the use of the foreign language. The required communication standards are based on the extended linguistic content (grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation). Special attention is given to functional aspects of language use in management and security, which manifest themselves in higher frequency of certain structures and professional terminology.
Instruction takes place in the form of seminars. The task of communication covers particular parts of linguistic competence (spoken - written performance, reception - production, communication - managing rules) and methods combining traditional as well as alternative teaching procedures. Foreign language instruction enhances relations between particular subjects taught at PUCES by the use of economic- and law-oriented texts and students’ participation in foreign language presentations.

Course name: Second Foreign Language
Course annotation:
Linguistic preparation of a versatile and professionally capable graduate is one of the profiling components of economic studies. International economic and security activities increase the demand for linguistic kits of all participants, especially those in representative positions. Nowadays, communication in at least two foreign languages for citizens of smaller nations is becoming a compulsory standard. The incorporation of a second foreign language into obligatory subjects meets such demands. For a non-philological college graduate a foreign language is not the aim in itself but a means of communication. The teaching approach is based on analysis of this practical need.
Students can choose an English, German, Spanish or Russian language course regardless their initial level of proficiency.
Communication with a foreign partner on a lower intermediate level is the objective of the course. Training of language skills (spoken and written communication, reading and listening) and the use of selected linguistic tools (phonological and graphic system, grammar and vocabulary, including elementary specialized phraseology), which is necessary for communication in ordinary and professional situations, is included in the course structure. Optimal attention is given to professional language of international management and law. The subject is taught in the form of seminars.

Course name: Fundamentals of Law
Course annotation:
The goal of the subject is to inform the undergraduates about basic theories of law and the role of state in creating legal norms and supervising their observance. Furthermore, the course aims to raise legal awareness in a sense that the law protects but also stipulates certain duties. The students get acquainted with the constitution, government bodies and the role of penal law in public policy, namely the physical law (criminal law), law of procedure (criminal code) and law of offence. Graduates get  well-versed in the above fields of law.

Course name: Application of Computer Technology
Course annotation:
The objective of this course is to prepare graduates for the standard use of information technologies in an organization. Students pick up definitions, hardware aspects and other elementary knowledge related to a personal computer. Comprehension of the working a company information system, consisting of information technology utilities, with its advantages and drawbacks, becomes a part of students’ mind set. The graduate is able to fully exploit the Windows operation system as well as Microsoft Office components. He/she can use the Internet as an information source as well as a medium of a company’s promotional campaign. Students are trained in compliance with the ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence) examination, accredited in all EU countries.


professional courses / compulsory for all undergraduates

Course name: Business Administration I
Course annotation:
The course is based on business economics’ structure, consisting of two subsequent parts. Business Administration I introduces undergraduates to the functioning of a firm whose operations are performed in a standard way regardless of its core business. Elementary concepts and their mutual relations are defined and explained.

Course name: Business Administration II
Course annotation:
Business Administration II is a follow-up to the introductory part of the course, developing and enriching the knowledge and skills acquired with new categories and additional contexts.

Course name: Macroeconomics
Course annotation:
The aim of Macroeconomics is to ensure the acquirement of terminology and principles of macroeconomic analysis, aggregate quantities and the working of the economic system. It enables the undergraduates to perceive and judge macroeconomic phenomena as a chain of events, to correctly analyze the development of basic economic indicators and locate standard macroeconomic problems of contemporary world.
The course familiarizes students with the main macroeconomic objectives and tools of stabilization policy, considering their potential and efficiency. It enables them to orient themselves in the open macroeconomic environment, providing the graduates with necessary basics for the study of applied economic disciplines.

Course name: Microeconomics
Course annotation:
The objective of Microeconomics is to master the fundamental terminology, enabling the students to apprehend and analyse the behaviour of particular economic subjects such as households, firms and industries. Students get a grasp of the principles of supply and demand in particular markets (those of commodities, services and production factors). Attention is focused on consumers’ behaviour, accentuating the marginal surplus theory and a differential analysis of products and a company’s expenses and income. The course also deals with the attributes of perfect and imperfect competition, stressing the importance of government’s anti-monopoly policies.

Course name: State System of Taxation
Course annotation:
The aim of the course is to make the undergraduates familiar with the system of taxation in the Czech Republic (direct, indirect and property taxes). The harmonization of tax legislation within the European Union (including double taxation relief agreements) as well is fiscal aspects of international commercial relations are paid due attention.

Course name: Law in Economy
Course annotation:
The aim of the course is to get students acquainted with legal norms stipulating mutual relations between equal subjects of entrepreneurial and other economic activities. The course raises students’ awareness of legal limitations in business context, enabling them to apply proper norms if necessary and avoid the ultimate, i.e. court resolution of disputes.

Course name: International Law in Business
Course annotation:
The course aim is to acquaint undergraduates with the basic legal regulations of relations between states and international organizations within the bounds of international public law. Students comprehend its influence on domestic law, the status of individuals (natural and legal persons) in particular. They gain essential knowledge of international private law as well as the legal background of international commerce.

Course name:  State Supervisory Systems
Course annotation:
The course objective is to provide undergraduates in their final semester with self-contained information on regulations that have to be observed by a manager. Students get acquainted with the rules and institutions endowed with the right and duty to supervise their observance. Graduates appreciate their grasp of the course content since the violation of those regulations is penalized by fines and measures that can have a negative effect on business outcomes, lead to the restrictions of production or business operation, even causing the prosecution of the manager.

Course name:  Psychology for Economists
Course annotation:
The aim of the course is to create a knowledge basis for the acquirement of rules and mechanics of human behaviour. The familiarity with functions of a human psyche enables the undergraduates to apply it effectively and confidently in their professional life, drawing on it when motivating themselves and their employees and communicating with business partners and potential clients. The psychological basis of human resources management is incorporated in the universal framework of contemporary managerial skills and competences. The course thus promotes the development of a manager’s personality.

Course name:  Sociology for Economists
Course annotation:

The aim of a sociology course is to acquaint students with the basic terminology and theories of a scientific discipline dealing with the human society as a complex system of social phenomena, relations and processes, whose active participant – via a social structure – is a particular individual. The chosen sociological knowledge helps students understand literary sources and reach a high level of competence in social matters, facilitating the grasp of a social dimension of current affairs and effective cooperation with particular experts. Practical oriantation of the subject enables the graduates to objectively analyse the social aspects of their professional environment.


compulsory professional courses

Course name: Introduction to Management
Course annotation:
The purpose of this course is to build the knowledge basis necessary for understanding the follow-up professional disciplines in further years of study. The course is divided into three thematic parts. The first one is aimed at basic management concepts, emphasizing those of business enterprise management. It is supplemented by chapters on a manager’s role in an organization, the role of top managers in strategic planning in particular. The second part of the course is devoted to managerial skills essential for the implementation of four basic stages of the management process: planning, organizing, leadership, controlling and managing of resources necessary for the execution of target customer-oriented business processes. The final part of the course focuses on the discharge of managerial duties and (informational, interpersonal and decision-making) roles as well as the tools for building a manager’s image in the society.

Course name: Introduction to Marketing
Course annotation:
The main goal of education in the Introduction to Marketing is to build up the knowledge basis for completing the follow-up specialist courses in the area of marketing activities of entrepreneurial subjects. In the first part, the concept of marketing research is introduced, the processes leading to identification of entrepreneurial opportunities within the company environs being dealt with. The second part of the course focuses on an active creation of the market of a company’s portfolio of products and services. It is based on 4Ps (product, placement, promotion, price), specifying the requirements to be met in the interest of a successful launch of a new product or service on the defined target market.

Course name: Fundamentals of Accounting
Course annotation:
The objective of the course is the introduction of basic accounting principles necesasary for those who will not become certified accountants. Students get acquainted with the legal standards, bookkeeping procedures, dealing with accounting errors and keeping accounting records. Graduates become aware of their responsibility for accurate, true and fair value accounting, since the breach of the law and rules can result in manager’s criminal prosecution.

Course name: Managerial Accounting
Course annotation:

The aim of this course is to teach students how to make use of data necessary for internal business management, including information on budgets, plans, calculations and decision-making tasks. Students grasp the purpose of managerial accounting as an integral part of business management and its interconnectedness with financial accounting. They learn how to implement a cost accounting system and employ the methods of calculations and budgeting. Graduates are able to assess the achieved business outcomes, discover shortcomings and find remedies as well as plan financial arrangements.


facultative professional courses

Course name: International Commercial Operations
Course annotation:
Following up the course in World Economic Relations, facultative International Commercial Operations tackle the selected issues of foreign trade. Students get acquainted with the forms of international business, covering all production stages, an emphasis being laid on particular processes in international trade. They understand the ways of entering foreign markets and principles of sale contract conclusion, being able to assess delivery and payment terms, having a good grasp of customs procedures and accompanying shipment, storage and insurance services.

Course name: Banking and Insurance Transactions
Course annotation:
This facultative course enables the undergraduates to acquire knowledge in the sphere of banking and insurance, consolidating their grounding in business administration as well as macro- and microeconomics. Students grasp the role and objectives of banks and insurance companies in economy. They get acquainted with the structure of bank assets and liabilities, understanting the need of credit and debit balance management as well as credit and insurance risk management. While applying the knowledge gained in the course, the undergraduates utilize their skills and expertise acquired in Finance and Actuarial Mathematics.

Course name: Economics of Public Sector
Course annotation:
The facultative subject enables students to deepen their basic knowledge of macroeconomics, the role of government in market economy in particular. Having confirmed that modern economy is based on private enterprise and individual  firms and households´  decisions, the course tackles the problem of market mechanism not achieving an optimal level of performance. Undergraduates are confronted with situations when the market mechanism fails, grasping the principles and pros and cons of state intervention in the economy.

Course name: Logistics
Course annotation:

This facultative discipline supplements the knowledge gained in other specialist courses (business administration, management and marketing in particular) with a systematic logistical approach and its working in practice. Students get acquainted with the principles of logistic chains management. They learn how to plan, provide and control material, value and corresponding information flows in particular areas of logistics (supply, production, distribution) and within their cross-section functions.


specialist professional courses

Course name: Management I
Course annotation:
The course aims at an understanding of the management of resources and capacities necessary for efficient entrepreneurial operations performed in a logical sequence.
In the introductory part, the instruction is focused on the pruductivity of manufacturing and servicing operations, the optimization of disposable assets utilization and the logistics of particular business activities, the cost effectiveness being the criterion for productivity increase.    
In the second part, the customer satisfaction through quality assurance is dealt with. The system of quality management is introduced as the fulfilment of ISO 9000 requirements.
The last part of the course concentrates on the project management.

Course name: Management II
Course annotation:
Representing a follow-up to the instruction on the performance of business operations in Management I, the course introduces the priciples of management of two groups of resources – finance and information.
In the first part, the focus is on long-term funding based on decisions about a company´s dividend policy, capital structure and investment priorities (determined by profitability ratios). followed by short-term funding management in relation to the volume of working capital, optimal profitability of business activities and proper level of liquidity.
In the second part, the strategic importance and functions of IT infrastructure for meeting management information needs are paid due attention, an emphasis being laid upon the ICT role in rational and efficient information flow management. The ways of development, maintenance and upgrading of various types of IT systems are also dealt with at the end of the course.

Course name: Management III
Course annotation:
The course in Management III finishes the instruction on management resources with that on human resources. It focuses on the issues of workforce planning and team formation, as well as staff allocation, development, performance appraisal, motivation and remuneration. Management policy on industrial relations, increasing the intellectual capital and competitiveness of a company is also dealt with.
Management methodology is supplemented with the topics concerning changes in the business behaviour of a firm through organizational restructuring and corporate culture transformation.

Course name: Marketing I
Course annotation:
The course aims at marketing aspects of successful product innovation. It develops the knowledge basis created by related professional subjects.
The process of product innovation is treated from different points of view so that the undergraduates can familiarize with the purpose and contents of relevant marketing activities. The conditions and methods of marketing are described and explained within the context of business practice of executive decision-making.
The selected managerial principles, directions, procedures and approaches necessary for efficient product innovation are dealt with. The acquired knowledge and skills help the graduates to prove competent in business practice.

Course name: Marketing II
Course annotation:
Having been acquainted with the marketing mix components within the introductory course, in Marketing II, the undergraduates develop their knowledge of pricing policy and distribution network functioning.
Following up the study of previous marketing subjects, students acquire the methods, approaches and techniques useful for efficient price setting and product distribution.

Course name: Marketing III
Course annotation:
Marketing III draws on the knowledge gained in previous marketing and management courses, focusing on communication (promotion) mix and international marketing.
The undergraduates acquire some methods, approaches and techniques that can be applied when developing the right communication mix.
The course is supplemented with selected aspects of international marketing.

Course name: Stock Exchange and Securities
Course annotation:
The aim of the course is to get the undergraduates acquainted with financial markets, their structure and functioning, emphasizing the role of stockbrokers in the exchange business. The students develop their knowledge and skills desirable for professional finance management of a firm, being able to make decisions on the use of proper investment instruments, having taken their assessment methods into account. The internal structure and technical aspects of stock markets are also dealt with.

Course name: Controlling
Course annotation:
The objective of the course is to introduce principles of controlling as a modern form of management, coordinating its functions and providing necessary information and data in the real time. The undergraduates understand the role of controlling in the management of an organization and are able to present its outcomes.

Course name: World Economic Relations
Course annotation:
The course seeks to inform the students about basic knowledge concerning the world economy and international trade, thus getting them ready for future business practice and/or follow-up study of a facultative subject International Business Operations.
The undergraduates familiarize themselves with international contexts of economic relations and multinational aspects of business activities. They grasp the external workings of economic relations, theoretical approaches and the development of international commerce, understanding the world economy principles, international monetary systems, financial  and capital markets, international agreements and economic integration.

Course name: Managerial Communication
Course annotation:
The aim of the course is to teach students how to use modern communication media (e-mail, e-commerce, text messaging...), including an adequate graphic and stylistic layout of printed documents. The undergraduates get familiar with the document set-up and CR as well as EU commercial correspondence standards, being able to apply them in their business practice. They get well versed in the principles of electronic banking and commerce. Using the internet, not just for e-commerce purposes, they can make properly designed business presentations.

Course name: Computer-Aided Project Management
Course annotation:
The course is a follow-up to profiling M-M subjects dealing with project management. The undergraduates learn how to set up, review and run computer-aided projects. Using proper software, they find out that the methods of intuitive management, recording and costing do not correspond to contemporary requirements. They understand that - without computer support - major projects´management proves inefficient or even impossible. When managing projects, the students use Microsoft Project programme that becomes a current standard available, due to its reasonable price, even to smaller establishments and individuals.

Course name:  Situational and Decision-Making Exercises
Course annotation:
This tutorial develops managerial way of thinking, skills and communication abilities within the framework of projects and case studies pursued in close cooperation with participating firms and institutions. It is focused on creative problem solving in real life situations. Students participate in research and development programmes of particular collaborating organizations. The content of practical tasks derives from the issues being discussed during the lectures and seminars, as well as from the experience gained during students’ work placements, excursions and presentations of experts from collaborating organizations. Active participation efficiently helps to create the proper habits (“managerial routines“) essential for professional decision-making.

Course name: Bachelor’s Project Seminar
Course annotation:
The objective of the seminar is to provide students with requirements for their Bachelor’s thesis projects, whose defence is a part of the final state examination.

Course name: Practical Training Scheme
PCES study programmes place special emphasis upon work experience and thorough preparation for graduates’ professional placements. The undergraduates obtain practical experience during two follow-up internships in cooperating institutions – in the fourth and at the end of the last semester.
Expected outcomes:

  1. comparison of theoretical knowledge obtained with practical experience;
  2. creative participation in development programmes;
  3. creation of essential working habits and skills;
  4. gathering of materials for Bachelor thesis projects;
  5. arousing interest in working within the chosen field;
  6. development of undergraduates’ responsibility for their own work results and decisions;
  7. arousing undergraduates’ possible interest in concluding a contract of employment with the organization before the end of their studies.

Internship schedule:
1st year – preparation:

  1. Visits to selected organizations and meetings with executive and management representatives.
  2. Meetings, lectures and seminars with managers from cooperating organizations.
  3. Meeting with an executive from an international organization (in the 2nd semester).

2nd year:

  1. Situational and decision-making tutorial run in the fourth and sixth semester under the supervision of lecturers (practitioners) from cooperating organizations.
  2. The first internship (20 working days, in the fourth semester) is coordinated by an assigned member of the teaching staff. Objectives of the first entry:
  • getting acquainted with the business environment and establishing contact with the organization (with particular leaders and a Bachelor’s project supervisor);
  • specification of the Bachelor project;
  • participation in the organization’s security and development operations, adjusting to the work schedule;
  • entering into long-term extra-curricular cooperation with the organization. 3rd year:
  1. Situational and decision-making tutorial run in accordance with the plan in the fifth and sixth semesters under the supervision of lecturers (practitioners) from cooperating organizations.
  2. The second internship (20 working days, in the sixth semester) in the same organization as the first one. Informal creative cooperation continues. Specific objectives of the second entry:
  • completion of Bachelor project (or source materials at least);
  • comparison of undergraduates’ theoretical knowledge with the daily routines of the organization;
  • undergraduates’ recognition of responsibility for the results of managerial decisions and their consequences (positive – leading to self-assurance, as well as negative – leading to self-criticism and rectification),
  • development of undergraduates’ skill of constructive criticism and matter-of-fact discussion;
  • active involvement in solving security-operational and situational issues;
  • establishing cooperation with the Bachelor’s project supervisor (including his/her assessment report within the given deadline).


general courses / compulsory for all undergraduates

Course name: Quantitative Methods I
Course annotation:
The essence of Quantitative Methods I is to provide students with basic mathematical knowledge by means of which they acquire proper analytical tools, in order to solve real-life problems they may tackle in their professions. Students are able to apply their knowledge and skills belonging to the basics of mathematical calculus, considered as an introduction to higher maths. Quantitative Methods enrich students’ abilities to evaluate events logically and make the right decisions in practical business situations, all being an essential part of management skills. Mathematics creates suitable conditions for developing knowledge and skills contained in other courses which are necessary to acquire corresponding qualifications (statistics, finance and actuary mathematics).
The knowledge of mathematics in this case contributes to the ability to read specialist publications. Mathematically-logical education cultivates the attitude towards problem-solving in a variety of areas and lets individuals tackle the basics of these problems. The subject is taught in the form of lectures and seminars with emphasis on comprehension and practical application of given themes (elementary functions, limit point and continuity of one-variable functions, differential calculus of one-variable functions, indefinite integral, differential equations of the first order solved by variable separation, matrices, matrix algebra, determinants, sets of linear equations).

Course name: Quantitative Methods II
Course annotation:
The main goal of education in Quantitative Methods II is to teach students how to use statistical methods while composing and evaluating multiple data essential for executive tasks.
Students are able to apply the basic methods of investigating dependencies, analyses and prognoses in developmental tendencies (for instance analyses and prognoses of business cycle) and methods of statistical induction (estimates, hypothesis tests) used mainly in marketing surveys. Within the framework of this subject, students also come across methods of acquiring multiple data (random sampling), with the publication of their findings and interpretations of the most significant indicators applied in business analyses. Necessary calculations are performed in MS Excel.

Course name: Quantitative Methods III
Course annotation:
The aim of Quantitative Methods III is to acquaint students with mathematical methods employed in finance and actuary mathematics including their practical applications within the studied area. The undergraduates acquire skills for practical use of mathematics in typical finance and actuary operations.
Students will apply methods of interest calculation (both simple and compound) and make savings, pension, securities and credit value calculations. Due attention is drawn to insurance (mathematical methods of modelling being stressed). Necessary calculations are carried out in MS Excel.

Course name: Macroeconomics
Course annotation:
The target of Macroeconomics is to ensure the acquirement of terminology and principles of macroeconomic analysis, aggregate quantities and the working of the economic system. It enables the undergraduates to perceive and judge macroeconomic phenomena as a chain of events, to correctly analyze the development of basic economic indicators and locate standard macroeconomic problems of contemporary world. The course clarifies methods of macroeconomic product quantification, covering the aggregate demand and supply and determining the equilibrium product. It explains the issues of money market, economic cycle, growth, inflation and unemployment. It also deals with open economy, international trade theory and exchange rate determination.
Attention is paid to budget and monetary policies, thus initiating students into key macroeconomic prospects within open economic environment, endowing them with the necessary basis for the study of applied economic disciplines. The instruction is held in the form of lectures and seminars, motivating undergraduates to participate actively in the education process.

Course name: Microeconomics
Course annotation:
The objective of Microeconomics is to master the fundamental terminology and economic rules enabling the students to apprehend and analyse the behaviour and decision making of particular economic subjects such as consumers, households and enterprises.
Students get acquainted with the principles of supply and demand in commodity and service markets. Attention is focused on consumers’ behaviour, accentuating the marginal surplus theory, differential analysis of products and a company’s expenses and income. The course also deals with the attributes of both perfect and imperfect competition and the functioning of the markets of production factors, the labour and capital ones in particular.

Course name: Business Administration I
Course annotation:
Business Administration I familiarizes the undergraduates with a standard enterprise working background. After the introduction of basic characteristics of a business and its environs, students get acquainted with its functioning as a complex organizational entity. Apart from qualitative and quantitative aspects of enterprise and the typology of businesses, the course covers the stages of their establishment, growth, stabilization and decline. Property and capital structure of a business, its revenues and expenses are given proper attention. Organizational structure, production management and capacity computation as well as purchase, sales and stock management are dealt with. Personnel agenda, the remuneration of employees and labour productivity calculation are also on the education programme. An integral part of the course is practical exercise training.

Course name: Business Administration II
Course annotation:
Business Administration II is a follow-up to the first part of the course, integrating and enriching the skills and knowledge gained with new categories and additional contexts. Students acquire the methodology of expenditure, revenue and profit modelling, cost and price calculations and break-even analysis. They study the relations between business property and resources, the flow of revenues and investments, earnings and expenditures.
The course also focuses on practical use of theoretical knowledge in the spheres of finance management and planning (optimal capital structure, financial leverage and WACC), financial analysis, investment efficiency calculations, productivity appreciation (market and economic surplus). The graduates are able to apply the knowledge when drawing up a start-up budget and business plan. Practical case studies applications are an integral part of the course.

Course name: Management
Course annotation:
The purpose of the course is to introduce the basics of effective business management theory and practice. It covers the aspects of scientific management as a methodology of decision making, objective and strategy setting, planning, organizing, motivating and controlling. The course contains the study of economic impacts of rising globalization claims on business management operating in diverse international environments. Attention is also placed upon topical issues of national specifics of large world product markets from the integration of finance management point of view, taking marketing and operational production management (incl. logistics trends) into consideration. The course is aimed not only at manufacturing plants management but also at establishments providing services on both profit and non-profit basis.
Students grasp the principles of business plans, entrepreneurial opportunities’ profitability calculations, demand forecasting, capacity calculations, relation indicators’ analysis, material flow management including the role of information systems and risk management. The course highlights the demands imposed on a manager’s personality. The basic forms of instruction are lectures and seminars containing case studies, discussions and presentations of outcomes, requiring active students’ participation.

Course name: Marketing
Course annotation:
The aim of the course is to make students familiar with the principles of modern marketing. It emphasizes new relations to customers, targeted marketing strategies and the competitive position of an organization, globalization trends being taken in due account. The course focuses on the core issues, function and purpose of marketing, highlighting its internal and external environs, entrepreneurial concepts and levels of marketing management. Particulars of marketing decision making process, information system, research and audit as well as consumer typology and behaviour are dealt with. Proper attention is also drawn to basic marketing tools and the mix of product, price, place and promotion.
The basic forms of instruction are lectures and seminars containing case studies, discussions and presentations of outcomes, requiring active students’ participation.

Course name: Fundamentals of Law
Course annotation:
The aim of this subject is to inform the undergraduates on the essentials of the theory of law, the role of state in creating legal norms and supervising law abidance. Furthermore, the course raises students’ awareness of law protecting their rights but also stipulating certain duties. It acquaints them with the state (its attributes, functions and forms) and public administration (legislative, executive and judicial bodies) in the Czech Republic.
The undergraduates acquire a general knowledge of the system, history, sources, rules and interpretation of law as well as that of legal relations (their prerequisites and elements), legislative process, legal responsibility and law and order.
Due attention is paid to constitutional law including human, political, economic, social and cultural rights protected by the Declaration of Basic Rights and Liberties. The course also deals with the chosen chapters of civil, heritage, family, administrative and financial law, covering some aspects of criminal law (criminal offence and responsibility, punishments). The impact of the European Union law on the above legal spheres is studied as well.

Course name: Fundamentals of Accounting
Course annotation:
The objective of the course is to introduce accounting to the students as a work process whose purpose is to faithfully and reliably record economic processes an organization goes through. This can be achieved by explaining basic terminology and methodology employed. Students grasp accounting as a demanding economic discipline capable of providing necessary information required by the market economy environment.
The course begins with an exposition of the purpose, function and methodology of accounting together with its harmonization in the Czech Republic. Basic concepts such as assets, liabilities, expenses, revenues, stocks and financial accounts are thoroughly explained. In the second part of the course, the focus is on final accounts and the structure of financial statements. Economic outcome reporting and an overview of its standards is also paid due attention.

Course name:  Psychology for Managers
Course annotation:
The course objective is an enlargement of the previously acquired knowledge of rules and mechanics of human behaviour. The familiarity with functions of a human psyche enables the undergraduates to apply it effectively and confidently in their professional life, drawing on it when motivating themselves and their employees and communicating with business partners. The psychological basis of human resources management is incorporated in the universal framework of contemporary managerial skills and competences. The course thus promotes the development of a manager’s personality.
It starts with an overview of the development of managerial psychology, mentioning biological and social determination of a personality, psychopathological phenomena and social dynamics. The core of the subject consists in the psychological profile of a manager’s personality, his/her capabilities and skills, authority strengthening and assertiveness, managerial hygiene and syndrom and techniques of coping with stress. The course also deals with labour and organizational psychology (working conditions, productivity management, motivational schemes).

Course name:  Sociology for Managers
Course annotation:
The aim of a sociology course is to acquaint students with the basic terminology and theories of a scientific discipline dealing with a (post)modern human society. The chosen sociological knowledge helps students understand literary sources and reach a high level of competence in social matters, facilitating the grasp of a social dimension of current affairs and effective cooperation with particular experts. Practical oriantation of the subject enables the graduates to objectively analyse the social aspects of their professional environment.
Consequently, the focus of the course lies in the area of applied sociological disciplines (e.g. sociology of advertising and media, public opinion, culture, leisure, etc.), systemic sociology (e.g. its history, principles and paradigms) being just supplementary.
Sociology is conceived as a social science exploring the society (its structure, stratification, dynamism and mobility), perceiving a human being as a social entity subjected to cultural influences and communication within a particular social group. Due attention is paid to sociological research as a tool for learning about the social environment and conducting public opinion polls.

Course name: Informatics
Course annotation:
The objective of this course is to prepare graduates for standard use of information technologies in an organization. Students pick up definitions, selected hardware aspects and other elementary knowledge related to a personal computer. Comprehension of the working of a company information system, consisting of IT utilities, with its advantages and drawbacks, becomes the part of students’ mind set.
The graduate is able to fully exploit Windows operation system as well as Microsoft Office components, managing documents and files using word processor and spreadsheet applications. He/she can use PP templates effectively for creating presentations, utilizing other database tools. Practical software applications aiming at facilitating management processes are paid main attention.
Students also get acquainted with some risks that endanger electronic communication. (They can broaden their computer security knowledge within Computer Data Protection elective course.)

Course name: First Foreign Language
Course annotation:
Linguistic education is an integral part of preparation for a versatile and professionally capable graduate working in the globalizing economy. Integration of the Czech Republic in the international trade poses a heavy demand on linguistic competence of all participating actors (executives especially). From the language user’s point of view of a non-philological programme graduate, the knowledge of a foreign language in itself is not the main target, but a means of effective communication. This concept of education arises from the analysis of graduate’s linguistic needs and mastering a foreign language plays a major integration role in graduate’s profile.
Students can choose between English and German language courses according to the current level of their language proficiency and knowledge. External or/and internal differentiation of the instruction is subject to the size of particular language classes.
The main task of the subject is to develop the ability of spoken and written communication with a foreign business partner up to an upper-intermediate level. The content of the subject is based on semantical-functional principle. Communication skills are taught in model situations of professional and social encounters. Linguistic skills (spoken and written communication, reading and listening comprehension) are acquired through the use of the foreign language. The required communication standards are based on the extended linguistic content (grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation). Special attention is given to functional aspects of language use in management and security, which manifest themselves in higher frequency of certain structures and professional terminology.
Instruction takes place in the form of seminars. The task of communication covers particular parts of linguistic competence (spoken - written performance, reception - production, communication - managing rules) and methods combining traditional as well as alternative teaching procedures. Foreign language instruction enhances relations between particular subjects taught at PUCES by the use of economic- and law-oriented texts and students’ participation in foreign language presentations.

Course name: Second Foreign Language
Course annotation:
Linguistic preparation of a versatile and professionally capable graduate is one of the profiling components of economic studies. International economic and security activities increase the demand for linguistic kits of all participants, especially those in representative positions. Nowadays, communication in at least two foreign languages for citizens of smaller nations is becoming a compulsory standard. The incorporation of a second foreign language into obligatory subjects meets such demands. For a non-philological college graduate a foreign language is not the aim in itself but a means of communication. The teaching approach is based on analysis of this practical need.
Students can choose an English, German, Spanish or Russian language course regardless their initial level of proficiency.
Communication with a foreign partner on a lower intermediate level is the objective of the course. Training of language skills (spoken and written communication, reading and listening) and the use of selected linguistic tools (phonological and graphic system, grammar and vocabulary, including elementary specialized phraseology), which is necessary for communication in ordinary and professional situations, is included in the course structure. Optimal attention is given to professional language of international management and law. The subject is taught in the form of seminars.


professional courses


Course name: World Economic Geography
Course annotation:
The subject World Economic Geography makes the student familiar with the territorial dimensions of world economy. The study allows to the acquisition of detailed perception of space relationships of the world economy at the present process of globalization. The subject offers at the same time local, national, regional and global view of the changes of world economy and their inter-relationship with the most important problems of the world. The objective is to comprehend the territorial structure and space organization of the socio economic system, following the changing economic map of the world and information about localization changes and shifts in world economy, which are influenced by geographical, political and social factors.
The themes of the lectures and workshops include theoretical exposition and development of special structure of world economy, including the influence of geographical factors on the allocation of world economy. The topics studied explain the differentiation process of world economy, the role of the state, international organizations and transnational corporations in the process of global economy. Population as an element of development and allocation of world economy, including the dynamics of population, urbanization process and the current migration flows and their economic consequences. The real changes of the global economic map are demonstrated on the most dynamic sectors of the economy (mining, heavy industry, iron making, energetics, electricity production , car industry, textile industry). Transportation is one of the key elements in the territorial distribution of economic activities and cooperation. The final outcome of the study of geographical aspects of the world economy is economical regionalism and concentration on the centres of the world economy (the USA, Japan, the EU, China, India).

Course name: International Economic Relations
Course annotation:
The objective of the subject International Economic Relations (which follows the study of macro and micro economics) is to provide the students with basic theoretical and practical knowledge of the world economy and international trade and prepare them for their future profession.
Students learn about the interrelationships of economic relations on international level and the transnational aspects of enterprising activities. Students grasp the mechanism of the functioning of world economic relations.
Students steadily acquire knowledge and understanding of development and structure of the world economy. Inter-dependence and globalization, position and specific features of particular groups of countries, Attention will be paid to international trade, theories of international trade, international trade strategy, to the development of international trade in goods and services. International movement of capital is part of the subject as well as the development of international capital flows, benefits and threats of the liberalization of capital flows, direct foreign investment and investment incentives system, financial crises and the factors which influence them.
Students will also learn about the international economic relations and national economy, the role of the foreign trade in economy, balance of payments, foreign trade strategy, integration of the Czech Republic into world economy and about international trade organizations and institutions.

Course name: International Commercial Operations
Course annotation:
The subject is a continuation of the subjects related to international economic relations. Students will learn about the basics of international marketing, various forms of entry of companies  on the foreign markets, about the pre-manufacturing, manufacturing and post- manufacturing stages with the stress being put on practical aspects of the international commercial operations.
Students will master the principles of concluding purchase contracts in international trade, they will be able to evaluate terms of delivery. They will get familiar with various forms of payment in international trade relations, the major forms of payment, credit and insurance instruments, with the most common payment conditions in international trade and with the criteria for their selection. They will get familiar with the smooth payment, documentary letter of credit, documentary encashment.  They will understand the function of surety, leasing, factoring, and forfaiting.
Students will learn to understand the customs procedure, additional transport, storage and insurance services. They will also get acquainted with the trade with intangible assets, with licence agreements, and know-how agreements. Attention will be paid to other agreements – service, assembly, contract for work, cooperation agreements, and franchise agreement.

Course name: International Currency Exchange and Financial System
Course annotation:
The subject International Currency Exchange and Financial System continues on the subjects of Macroeconomics, Microeconomics and International Economic Relations where students got familiar with the major development stages of international monetary and financial systems and also with areas which are closely connected with the issue of currency and finance. The knowledge of this subject and the connected skills are necessary for enterprising with foreign partners or at the international stage.
The students will learn about the structure of the foreign currency exchange, exchange rates, and the instruments of the foreign currency market, modern theories about the currency market, balanced interest rate and the exchange rates, about the parity of purchasing power and the real exchange rate, foreign exchange rate and the gross national product, macroeconomic balance in open economy, exchange rate systems.
Students will learn about the development of international monetary system (Bretton Woods system, period of free moving exchange rates, European monetary system, European monetary union). They will get familiar with the international banking and euro-markets. Attention will be also paid to the position of developing countries in the international monetary system and also to international financial and capital markets and currency markets.

Course name: European Economic Integration
Course annotation:
The objective of the subject is to introduce the students into the topic of European economic integration. Students will learn about the forms and impacts of the integration process and the development of European economic integration. They shall also understand the arrangement of the complex of the EU, including the separate aims of the EC and the EU. Attention will also be paid to functioning of the institutional system of the EU and the recent issues of transformation of the EU system from both the point of view of deepening the integration and the territorial expansion. Characteristics of the separate rounds of extension and the possible perspectives of this process. The analysis of costs and benefits of eastern extension. The position of the EU in the world economy. External economic relations of the EU.
The objective of the subject is the make students acquainted with the position of the EU in the world economy and with the arrangement of external relations of the EU. The issue of competitiveness of the EU will also be addressed. The involvement of the Czech economy and its position within the EU will be also analysed. The accession process and its impact on economic environment in the CR, the setting of transition period. Position of CR within the EU. The subject will also provide students with basic information about the process of economic information in Eastern Europe.

Course name: CR and the EU Tax System
Course annotation:
The objective of the subject is to make student acquainted with the tax system in the Czech Republic and with the tax system of other members states of the European Union. The subject also deals with issue of the tax systems harmonization (unification) of separate countries and the tax aspect of international business relations. An important objective is to make students aware of the tasks of the Czech Republic during the harmonization of its tax system with that of the EU.
In the first part of the subject students learn about the tax system of the Czech Republic (direct taxes, indirect taxes, property taxes).
The second part is devoted to tax legislation of the EU (development of taxation, tax reforms, tax legislation, the White Book, Treaty of Rome, other treaties and agreements, tax coordination within ORCD, directives concerning direct and indirect taxes) More attention will be paid to harmonization of taxes in the EU
In the third part, students learn about the current state of harmonization with the tax system of the EU and the targets of the CR in this respect. Agreements for the avoidance of double taxation and their position within the framework of tax legislation will not be omitted either.

Course name: IT in Managerial Communication
Course annotation:
The objective of the subject IT in Managerial Communication is to educate students in “formal culture” requirements when writing business correspondence while using the information and communication technology. Students will learn the basic rules and customs in formal correspondence in the Czech Republic and the states of the EU and will be able to actively use them. They will find the way in the possibilities offered by modern ICT. Students will get acquainted with the norms that refer to formal arrangement of documents, especially the norm CSN 01 6910 in the area of business correspondence. They will also learn about the other rules tat apply to writing formal documents in general and with norms CSN ISO 690 and CSN ISO 690-2.

Course name: Comparative Economics
Course annotation:
The subject Comparative Economics provides the basic comparison of economic systems of the economically most developed and important countries of the world (USA, Japan, Germany). It make students familiar with the history of these systems, their underlying value bases, character of their micro and macro economic environment and the ways it is being regulated, development trends of the economic structure and their position in the world economy. The objective of the subject is to show that in spite of general market economy structure each country represents a different model which developed from not only economic but also historical, cultural, political and other factors. The broader perception of the existing reality of the different systems allows students to deepen their orientation in the area of international economic relations. The teaching of the subject will be divided into three blocks: 1. Comparative economics: the creation, development and importance of comparative approach in study of e.g. advanced economies. Categories of economic system, etc. 2. Economic growth and structural changes in the USA, Japan, and Germany after the Second World War. Characteristics value bases of these countries, of corporations bases (stressing the contrast between the USA and Japan), economic policies and development tendencies. 3. Competition rules and policies in the USA, Japan and Germany, their basic characteristics, some aspects of outer economic relations.

Course name: Legal and Administrative Proceedings
Course annotation:
The subject continues on the Basics of Law. The objective is to make the students familiar with civil law and criminal court procedures and with the administrative procedure and compare them. Students will learn the basic features of the law application by state bodies.
Attention will be paid to civil court procedure (sources of law regulation of civil court, basic principles, subjects of civil law, conditions of procedure, jurisdiction of courts , competence of courts, legal capacity, capacity to sue and to be sued, representation, justifiability ( real and substantial controversy appropriate for judicial determination). Students will get familiar with the issue of the process start, the motion to commence proceedings, and case proceedings . Also the ruling of the court: judgement, judicial resolution, compulsory payment order, compulsory payment order to pay a bill/draft. The following topic will be the issue of remedial measures and remedies – regular or standard and extraordinary relief Attention will be given to performance of the court ruling and execution procedure. Another topic which will be cover in this subject is criminal proceedings (sources and general principles). Student will learn about the parties of criminal proceedings, stages of the procedure, the trial, remedies and performance of the court ruling. Administrative proceedings will concentrate on new legislation of the administrative procedure with the aim to get a general grasp of the meaning and importance of the issue. Student will learn about the specific content of the individual procedural institutes of the rules of administrative procedure and their reflection into the legislation.

Course name: Labour and Social Security Law
Course annotation:
The subject follows the content of the subject Essentials of Law. The objective is to make students familiar with the valid legislation and regulations of employment relations and their application and with the social security legislation concentration on subsystems where the right for payment (allowances) is based on the occupation (gainful activity). Students will gain an insight into the general rights and obligations of the parties of the employment that is employers (legal persons and individuals) and employees in respect to the establishment, changes and termination of employment. Attention will be paid to collective employment relations between employers and organizations of employees (trade unions), the process of collective bargaining, conclusion of collective agreements and the resolution of collective disputes. At the end of the course students will learn about legislation referring to regulation of employment and social security/welfare during unemployment.
In the following lessons on social security attention will be given to the area of relations based on insurance principle (i.e. health, medical and pension insurance) including the obligations arising for the employers towards the bodies of social insurance.
Part of the study of the subject also includes the information on the process of harmonization of Czech employment legislation with the EU legislation, about the rules of coordination of the systems of social insurance of migrant worker population. Student will get familiar with practical aspects of the application of the principle of equality and the prohibition of discrimination, regulations referring to sending employees to the EU countries and about employment of foreign nationals.

Course name: Business Law
Course annotation:
The subjects follows the content of the subjects Essentials of Law  and Legal and Administrative Proceedings. The objective is to make students know and understand the norm that regulate enterprising. These norms are contained in business law and related areas, namely the trade law and also the law which refers to safeguarding fair competition (competition law). Students will learn the basic legislation necessary to commence the enterprising of both physical and legal persons – business enterprises, including European companies. They will realize the importance of law in these relations, especially the limits set by the law, including respecting the rules governing the fair competition.
Another objective of the subject is to make students familiar with the basic terminology of Law of Obligation (Contracts). They will learn about the creation of contract relations, collateral and security, and various types contract form in the area of business obligation relations. Students will get acquainted with commercial contracts, the way they are concluded and their performance in real life. They will learn about the commercial securities, the concept and use of bonds,   drafts, bills of exchange, and cheques.  Part of the subject content is also the compensation of damages and other consequences of non-performance of obligations. Students will learn about the arbitration proceedings and their relation to civil court proceedings and the insolvency procedure.

Course name: International and European Law
Course annotation:
The objective is to make students familiar with basic norms which regulate international public, private and business law and with the basics of the EU law. International public law makes the frame of the subject. Students will learn about the relationship between the international public law and the domestic law, particularly to international private and business law and to the law of the EU. Within the international public law attention will be paid on the concept and particularities of international public law, the sources and rules of international public law, the subjects of the international public law, the  status of population and individuals in international public law , international organizations, with international responsibility of the state, compulsion, solving problems. Students will also get familiar with basics of the law of the European Union, its subjectivity, the sources and bodies. Students will also learn about the various area of regulation of international private and proceedings law also in relations between member states of the EU. Particular attention will be given to the law of obligation and labour law in this area. Students will also learn about the international proceedings law and the rules of the EU. As to the international business law particular attention will be paid to the rules which regulate economic relations, to private law aspects of the law of international business and to solution of conflicts in this area. The role of the international economic organizations in international business will be also investigated.

Course name: International Law Courts and Controlling Bodies
Course annotation:
The content of the subjects follows the obligatory subject International and European Law. The objective is make the students familiar with the activity of selected international courts and arbitration bodies during the interpretation and application of the rules of international and European law and the familiarize students with the work of these international bodies including the domestic implementation of their respective decisions.
Students will get an overview of the activity and particular cases which were decided by the International Court of Law of the UN, International tribunal of the Law of the Sea, European Court of Human Rights, arbitration bodies solving disputes over international investment. Students will learn about the basic decisions of the European Court of Law.

Course name: Situational and Decision-Making Exercises
Course annotation:
The objective of the subject Situational and Decision-Making Exercises is to develop managerial thinking, skills and communication abilities in cases prepared in cooperation with companies. The exercise concentrates on solving real life problems. Students participate in development programs of particular companies, which cooperate in this area with the school.
The demanding exercises reflect the content of the lectures and seminars and also the knowledge gathered during excursions, lectures of managers from companies and during the internships in companies. Active participation in Situational and Decision-Making Exercises effectively helps to create the necessary mind-set and habit for qualified decision making.
The content of individual exercises stems from the specialized knowledge gathered during lessons of specialized subjects.

Course name: Practical Training Scheme
PCES study programmes place special emphasis upon work experience and thorough preparation for graduates’ professional placements. The undergraduates obtain practical experience during two follow-up internships in cooperating institutions – in the fourth and at the end of the last semester.
Expected outcomes:

  1. comparison of theoretical knowledge obtained with practical experience;
  2. creative participation in development programmes;
  3. creation of essential working habits and skills;
  4. gathering of materials for Bachelor thesis projects;
  5. arousing interest in working within the chosen field;
  6. development of undergraduates’ responsibility for their own work results and decisions;
  7. arousing undergraduates’ possible interest in concluding a contract of employment with the organization before the end of their studies.

Internship schedule:
1st year – preparation:

  1. Visits to selected organizations and meetings with executive and management representatives.
  2. Meetings, lectures and seminars with managers from cooperating organizations.
  3. Meeting with an executive from an international organization (in the 2nd semester).

2nd year:

  1. Situational and decision-making tutorial run in the fourth and sixth semester under the supervision of lecturers (practitioners) from cooperating organizations.
  2. The first internship (20 working days, in the fourth semester) is coordinated by an assigned member of the teaching staff. Objectives of the first entry:

- getting acquainted with the business environment and establishing contact with the organization (with particular leaders and a Bachelor’s project supervisor);
- specification of the Bachelor project;
- participation in the organization’s security and development operations, adjusting to the work schedule;
- entering into long-term extra-curricular cooperation with the organization.
3rd year:

  1. Situational and decision-making tutorial run in accordance with the plan in the fifth and sixth semesters under the supervision of lecturers (practitioners) from cooperating organizations.
  2. The second internship (20 working days, in the sixth semester) in the same organization as the first one. Informal creative cooperation continues. Specific objectives of the second entry:

- completion of Bachelor project (or source materials at least);
- comparison of undergraduates’ theoretical knowledge with the daily routines of the organization;
- undergraduates’ recognition of responsibility for the results of managerial decisions and their consequences (positive – leading to self-assurance, as well as negative – leading to self-criticism and rectification),
- development of undergraduates’ skill of constructive criticism and matter-of-fact discussion;
- active involvement in solving security-operational and situational issues;
- establishing cooperation with the Bachelor’s project supervisor (including his/her assessment report within the given deadline).
Course name: Bachelor’s Project Seminar
Course annotation:
The objective of the seminar is to provide students with requirements for their Bachelor’s thesis projects, whose defense is a part of the final state examination.


facultative courses

Course name: Rhetorics and Communication Course annotation:
The course of rhetoric and communication is focused on the acquisition of theoretical knowledge about the importance of rhetoric and communication, orientation in terms, types and forms of communication, understanding the importance of language in interpersonal communication. The main objective of the course is to learn a practical application of communication skills (corporate and personal presentation) in everyday managerial work. Students gain rhetorical skills and improve their own way of speaking. During the learning process, students practise various rhetorical tasks, thus acquiring rhetorical skills which they will use in different situations. Students also learn how to use a body language with regard to the target speech or presentation, correct intonation, speech tempo and various vocal techniques.

Course name: Protection of Environment
Course annotation:
The aim of the course is to make the students familiar with the economic aspects and legal standards in the field of environmental protection. This knowledge is necessary in doing the business and compliance with the relevant rules in the environmental area. They are acquainted with the adjustment of environmental protection in the Czech Republic and the EU countries. They also acquire the necessary knowledge of environmental protection problems, get oriented in relevant rules and learn how to meet the requirements of environmental legislation and prevention of economic risks, not getting into conflict with the authorities. They understand how their ecological behaviour can contribute to the improvement of their company’s economic results. Students also become familiar with the responsibilities of enterprises in environmental protection in general, in nature conservation, water management, air protection, waste management, waste packaging and other areas (soil, forest, rock environment, chemicals handling and GMOs, prevention of major accidents, etc.).

Course name: Business Data Protection
Course annotation:
The aim of the course, which builds on the knowledge gained in the course of Informatics, is to acquaint the students with electronic data risks arising in business process and methods of risk avoidance and their elimination. Students become familiar with the risks that threaten the electronic data used in business, they learn how to analyze and identify measures to eliminate them. They acquire the knowledge and skills needed to create a "security policy" as a basic document necessary to ensure safety in the organization. They also become familiar with the methods of data protection,  hardware and software safety. They learn how to practically use cryptographic methods to protect data, including the use of electronic signatures.

Course name: Logistics
Course annotation:
This facultative course complements the knowledge gained in other professional subjects (business economics, management and marketing in particular) arranged systematically in the approach to the process of circulation in terms of logistics and its application in practice. The aim of this course is to show the benefits of maximizing the overall efficiency of circulation processes, showing the elements of the operation, so that the students can acquire information and skills necessary for creating a system that optimizes the overall effect of the circulation process. Such a system is known as logistics. The transportation system that suits the logistics management of circulatory processes is called the logistic transport. This view, requiring the synergy of all the stages of circulatory processes, necessarily affects approaches to managing business activities.
Students grasp the patterns of logistic chains, gaining an overview of passive and active elements of logistic systems and practical guidelines for their creation and management. They become familiar with the planning, formation, implementation and control of tangible, value and information flows in particular areas of business logistics (supply, production, distribution) and in terms of cross-business functions and activities as well.

Course name: Managerial Accounting
Course annotation:
The subject Managerial Accounting extends the knowledge gained in the course of Accounting and its goal is to make the students learn how to work with the information needed for internal management. It is not only the information on the past phenomena, but also the information necessary for the decisions such as budgets, plans and calculations.
Students understand the importance and need of managerial accounting for the company management and its linkage to other components of accounting. They learn how to use cost accounting methods as well as those of calculation and budgeting. They are able to evaluate the results of operations, find bottlenecks, propose solutions and justify the results of company activities and prepare future outlook.
Students become familiar with the division of costs, identification of costs, revenues and profits in the accounts and their use in accounting operations, calculations of full and variable costs and proper costs allocation methods. They also get acquainted with the controls of overheads and budgets as well as the structure of overheads and differential methods of unit costs operations.

Course name: Human Resources Management
Course annotation:
The aim of the course is to grasp the basics of the management theory and practice of effective human resource management. The course comprises lectures and seminars that require active participation of students in all stages of the learning process. Case studies, presentations of students‘ end-of-term projects and guided discussions are integral parts of the course.
Thematically, the course includes the essence of personnel activities in different related situations. It defines basic terminology in personnel management, development, the concept and importance of HR management, the ways of arranging HR departments in organizations, strategy and personnel policies, job analysis, planning the number and structure of employees, recruitment, recruitment marketing, corporate training, evaluation and remuneration of employees, payroll systems in enterprises, career planning, incentive systems in the enterprise, types of motivation and termination of employment.



Course name: Mathematics
Course annotation:
The essence of Mathematics is to enable students to use a variety of analytical tools, in order to solve real-life problems they may tackle in their professions. Students are able to apply their knowledge and skills belonging to the basics of mathematical calculus, considered as an introduction to higher maths. Mathematics enrich students’ abilities to evaluate events logically and make the right decisions in practical business situations, all as an essential part of management skills. The subject of mathematics creates suitable conditions for developing knowledge and skills contained in other courses which are necessary to acquire corresponding qualifications. The knowledge of mathematics in this case contributes to the ability to read specialist publications. Mathematically-logical education cultivates the attitude towards problem-solving in a variety of areas and lets individuals tackle the basics of these problems. The subject is taught in the form of lectures and seminars with emphasis on comprehension and practical application of given themes.

Course name: Statistics
Course annotation:
The main goal of education in Statistics is to teach students how to use statistical methods while composing and evaluating multiple data essential for executive tasks. Students know how to apply the basic methods of investigating dependencies, analyses and prognoses in developmental tendencies (for instance analyses and prognoses of business cycle) and methods of statistical induction (estimates, tests of hypotheses) mainly used in psychological surveys. Within the framework of this subject, students also come across methods of acquiring multiple data (random sampling), with the publication of their findings and interpretations of the most significant clues applied in business analyses.

Course name: First foreign language
Essence of the course:
Linguistic education is an integral part of preparation for a versatile and professionally capable graduate working in the globalizing economy. Integration of the Czech Republic in the international trade poses a heavy demand on linguistic competence of all participating actors (executives especially). From the language user’s point of view of a non-philological programme graduate, the knowledge of a foreign language in itself is not the main target, but a means of effective communication. This concept of education arises from the analysis of graduate’s linguistic needs and mastering a foreign language plays a major integration role in graduate’s profile.
Students attend particular language courses according to the current level of their language proficiency and knowledge.
The main task of the subject is to develop the ability of spoken and written communication with a foreign business partner up to an upper-intermediate level. The content of the subject is based on semantical-functional principle. Communication skills are taught in model situations of professional and social encounters. Linguistic skills (spoken and written communication, reading and listening comprehension) are acquired through the use of the foreign language. The required communication standards are based on the extended linguistic content (grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation). Special attention is given to functional aspects of language use in management and security, which manifest themselves in higher frequency of certain structures and professional terminology.
Instruction takes place in the form of seminars. The task of communication covers particular parts of linguistic competence (spoken - written performance, reception - production, communication - managing rules) and methods combining traditional as well as alternative teaching procedures. Foreign language instruction enhances relations among particular subjects by the use of economic-oriented texts and students’ participation in foreign language presentations.

Course name: English language (first foreign language)
Course annotation:
The condition under which a student can apply for English as the first foreign language is at least a lower intermediate level of language acquisition. The aim of this course is to increase graduate’s linguistic competence to a higher level. This is achieved through systematic development of productive and receptive linguistic skills, extending and deepening the knowledge of linguistic means. The practical and professional course orientation, with emphasis on functional language and specialist terminology, is in compliance with particular study programmes.
Areas of focus:

  1. mastering standard pronunciation, intonation and rhythm;
  2. fixing the relevant vocabulary acquired during recent studies, active use of approximately 4000 lexical units and passive knowledge of another 1000 words including terminology, extension of word-building skills during the work on texts, especially of specialist focus;
  3. acquiring structures of grammatical systems, typical of vocational styles and those significant from a functionally communicative point of view;
  4. fixing the habits of correct grammar usage including the rules of punctuation;
  5. linguistically correct oral communication in situations of professional and social encounter, ability to speak about a range of scientific and general subjects, immediate reaction within the framework of professional encounters and ordinary life situations;
  6. independent (with the use of dictionary), grammatically and stylistically correct writing of official texts (business correspondence, emails, reports etc.);
  7. understanding monologues and dialogues of native speakers on specialist and general subjects;
  8. skimming and scanning (informative reading), understanding scientific and general texts, ability to guess the meaning from the context.


Course name: Second foreign language
Structure of the course:
Linguistic preparation of a versatile and professionally capable graduate is one of the profiling components of economic studies. International economic and security activities increase the demand for linguistic kits of all participants, especially those in representative positions. Nowadays, communication in at least two foreign languages for citizens of smaller nations is becoming a compulsory standard. The incorporation of a second foreign language into obligatory subjects meets such demands. For a non-philological college graduate a foreign language is not the aim in itself but a means of communication. The teaching approach is based on analysis of this practical need. Communication with a foreign partner on a lower intermediate level is the objective of the course. Training of language skills (spoken and written communication, reading and listening) and the use of selected linguistic tools (phonological and graphic system, grammar and vocabulary, including elementary specialized phraseology), which is necessary for communication in ordinary and professional situations, is included in the course structure. Optimal attention is given to professional language of management and security activities. The subject is taught in the form of seminars.

Course name: English language (second foreign language)
Course annotation:
Communication with an English speaker at a lower intermediate level is the aim of this course, covering selected linguistic tools (common grammatical structures, vocabulary including basic specialist terminology, pronunciation and grammar) and language skills (spoken and written communication, listening and reading comprehension). Communicative skills are trained within the standard as well as selected professional areas.
Areas of focus:

  1. fixing standard pronunciation habits;
  2. collecting vocabulary within the approximate range of 2000 lexical units, passive knowledge of another 200 words including basic economic terminology;
  3. acquisition of common grammatical structures, significant from a functionally communicative point of view;
  4. oral communication in ordinary social situations and elementary professional encounters, including brief coverage of common topics;
  5. acquisition of standard orthography;
  6. wording of personal memos and a simple business correspondence (with the help of a dictionary);
  7. understanding the utterances of native speakers on general topics and selected specialist subjects;
  8. reading comprehension of generally and professionally unsophisticated texts.                                


Course name: Introduction to the Czech legislation
Course annotation:
The aim of this subject is to inform the undergraduates about basic theories of law, the role of state in creating legal norms and supervising law observance. Furthermore, the course strengthens students’ and future employees’ legal awareness in a sense that law protects but also stipulates certain duties. The subject deals with the Czech Republic constitution, state administration and the placement of criminal law, especially the substantive law (penal code), formal law (the code of criminal procedure), the code of misdeed and the Labour code. The graduate is well versed in the above mentioned fields of law.

Course name: Introduction to the EU legislation
Course annotation:
The aim of this subject is to acquaint the undergraduates with the basics of European law, its implementation and application within the Czech Republic in particular. Students understand mechanisms of the EU/EC administration, especially in introducing and adopting new EU regulations. They also get acquainted with the EU history and development, the law of European Community and trends in cooperation among the EU states in the areas of common security and foreign policy, justice and internal affairs.

Course name: Application of information technologies
Course annotation:
The objective of this course is to prepare graduates for standard application of information technologies in an organization. Students pick up definitions, hardware aspects and other elementary knowledge related to a personal computer. Understanding the essence of a company information system, consisting of information technology utilities, with its advantages and disadvantages, should become the part of students’ mind set. The graduate will be able to fully exploit the Windows operation system as well as Microsoft Office components. He/she will be able to use the Internet as an information source as well as a medium of company’s advertising campaign. Students are trained in compliance with the ECDL (European computer driving licence) exam, accredited in all EU countries.

Course name: Macroeconomics
Course annotation:
The target of macroeconomics is to ensure the adoption of economic concepts, supporting the development of student’s economic thinking, enabling undergraduates to perceive and judge economic phenomena as a chain of events, to correctly analyze the development of basic economic indicators at home and abroad, and locate standard macroeconomic problems of contemporary world.
The course initiates students into key macroeconomic prospects, to which all economies aspire, and where the growth of macroeconomic product, low inflation, low unemployment and equal balance of payments are the main priorities. Students will also be aware of macroeconomic stabilization policy instruments, their objectives, capabilities and effectiveness. Attention is paid to the analysis of fiscal, monetary and pension policies, including currency and trade policies.

Course name: Microeconomics
Course annotation:
The objective of microeconomics is the establishment of essential microeconomic terminology used by the student when analyzing the behaviour of particular economic subjects, such as households, enterprises and market segments.
Students understand the principles of analyzing supply and demand relationships on particular markets (commodity and service markets, markets of production factors), and will be able to clarify the elasticity of supply and demand from selected points of view. Attention is focused on analyzing consumer’s behaviour with respect to marginal surplus theory and on the differential analysis of products, expenses and income of an enterprise. Students also understand the difference between perfect and imperfect competition on markets, including anti-monopoly state policies.

Course name: Business economics I
Course annotation:
Business economics ? presents undergraduates with issues of a standard enterprise where its activities run parallel regardless of the company’s primary focus. It enriches current knowledge of professional school graduates. However, the new knowledge is presented gradually according to its level of difficulty, so that it can be made comprehensible for graduates from other types of schools. Business economics defines elementary categories of business and their mutual relations.

Course name: Business economics II
Course annotation:
Business economics ?? presents undergraduates with issues of a standard enterprise where its activities run parallel regardless of the company’s core business. But the concept of this subject is based upon the division of business economics into two linked parts. Business economics II follows up Business economics I, integrates and enriches the skills acquired with new categories and additional contexts.

Course name: Introduction to management
Course annotation:
The purpose of this course is to introduce the role of a manager on a variety of management levels in organizations. Students grasp the principles of modern decision-making procedures and techniques, including the methodology of strategic management in the conditions of global economy. The course highlights the demands imposed on manager’s personality in relation to the establishment of basic roles in an organization.

Course name: Technical aspects of property protection
Course annotation:
The purpose of this subject is to introduce the basic and commonly used mechanical protection and electronic alarm systems providing property protection. Students acquire the basic principles of application of specific security system elements and property protection systems. They will be able to make qualified decisions about the deployment and possible exploitation of technical elements in the system.

Course name: Transportation and wrecking facilities
Course annotation:
This course offers information essential for the administration and application of measures in a variety of emergency situations – ranging from the threat to an ongoing unexpected event. Students get acquainted with possibilities of using transportation and wrecking vehicles, which can provide the most suitable means in solving unexpected events, since almost every organization owns transportation vehicles. Particular circumstances are interpreted by a security manager when planning and taking precautionary measures.

Course name: Legal aspects of security management
Course annotation:
The subject goal is to acquaint undergraduates with selected standards, which are to safeguard the activities of both commercially and non-commercially based participating entities. Students are acquainted with legal obligations which are binding when managing particular corporations. The subject covers private law (civil and commercial) regulations, as well as those of public law (administrative and environmental law), which help to define the role of a security manager. Students obtain basic information about rules which regulate consequences of infringement, i.e. compensation for damage and unlawful enrichment. They also learn about regulations concerning the protection of commercial secrets and other restricted data. The rules of civil procedure entitling people to appeal to civil courts and other institutions are also included. The administrative law regulations are focused mainly on statutory duties, imposed by the judicial code on corporations and individuals. Attention is paid to the issues concerning classified information protection. The basics of administrative procedures and environmental law regulations, which have to be observed by corporations and individuals during their activities, are also integrated in this course.

Course name: International security law
Course annotation:
The target of this course is to acquaint students with the basics of international public law, the meaning and status of this law in relation to local national law. Besides basic terminology of international law (concept, source, subject, liability, coercion), students gain essential knowledge of the influence of international treaties on the local national law. The course focuses on issues of international security, especially in terms of security cooperation between countries. Students are aware of basic regulations in this area as well as the role of international organizations dealing with security matters (UN, NATO, European Union, African Union etc.). They also understand the regulations in local law, applied under international treaties in areas of security and disarmament.

Course name: Economic delinquency
Course annotation:
Students tackle problems related to economic and property offences in legal context. They also get acquainted with traits of criminal activity in the areas of management, auditing and supervision, financial offences on the capital market, crimes related to the operation of investment trusts, investment, share and pension funds. On the basis of their own economic and legal erudition, students will be able to identify the symptoms of criminal activity. The objective of this course is to motivate participants to acquire a sense of responsibility, leading to honest and cautious practice.

Course name: Risk insurance
Course annotation:
The objective of this course is to inform undergraduates about the ways of reducing economic risks through horizontal and vertical diversification, increasing the flexibility of commercial activity, division and transfer of risks. Attention will be given to insurance, functioning as risk bearing transfer of a sort, negative consequences of future unfavourable events (damages, losses) being shifted onto an insurance company. Graduates understand the economic role of an insurance company and the principles of its operation. They are able to recommend measures to reduce both market and export risks.

Course name: Crisis management and the integrated rescue system
Course annotation:
The objective of this course is to introduce the principles of crisis management, organisation and function of the integrated rescue system. Students learn about the stages of crisis management and possible crisis states, which can be declared on the Czech territory. Students are given an insight into ways of deploying specific units of the integrated rescue system, duties of individuals and corporations during emergency preparations, civilians’ protection before and throughout the declaration of the state of danger, emergency, threat to the country and declaration of war. Based on the knowledge, they are able to design competent internal system units in the organization and its optimal cooperation with the local integrated rescue system. This includes effective communication between particular units of the system. In practice, the undergraduate will be able to participate within the integrated rescue system as a manager (specialist).

Course name: Protection of information systems
Course annotation:
The task of this course is to lead students to understanding the principles of information management and orientation in the ever developing procedures of computer data protection and security. Students should understand that the security of information technologies is an essential part of managing information, since its protection is a part of the company’s security policy. Students are well versed in the methods of software, hardware and personal protection. They are also informed about phenomena of cracking and hacking, with reference to the security of databases and methods of protection during data transfer, such as the use of cryptography or electronic signature.

Course name: Social pathology
Course annotation:
The main target of this course is to introduce the basics of social pathology and its elementary terminology. Students are provided with information which will suitably support their current knowledge of law and psychology. They recognize manifestations of deviant behaviour, its causes and ways of eliminating it in an organization. They will be able to use methods and techniques of data collection which are commonly used in sociology of deviant behaviour. They will also be able to apply the acquired knowledge to create the concept of company’s security policy.

Course name: Psychology in crisis management I
Course annotation:
            The essence of this course is the introduction of basic principles and psychological mechanisms, taking place in the life of a security manager. One of the principles is self-knowledge, but also an adequate and objective perception, and judgment of other people. Students are able to spot the most frequent perception mistakes made in assessing other people, and learn how to avoid them. They also develop the skills vital for evaluating other people’s personalities and learn how to communicate with people of various social and age categories. They are also able to identify psychopathological signs of people they may come into contact with and will be prepared to react adequately to the symptoms of their mental condition.

Course name: Psychology in crisis management II
Course annotation:
This course is a follow-up to Psychology in crisis management I. Its objective is to expand the current knowledge of various signs of behaviour, which may be encountered by the security manager. Students must be aware of stress and conflict situations they may face and know how to get over them. In connection with legal regulations, they acquire psychological aspects of private defence and the protection of individuals and property who/which are/is being attacked. As a manager, he/she will be able to make reasonable decisions in different exigencies, prevent conflicts, solve critical situations and use relaxation techniques applicable in ultimate and emergency states. The acquired knowledge and skills will used throughout the whole course of security management.

Course name: Investigating emergency events in an organization
Course annotation:
This course is more of a follow-up to Security management I and II, Technical aspects of property protection and Psychology in crisis management I and II. Its objective is to develop students’ knowledge and skills needed during the investigation of an emergency event in the organization. Undergraduates adopt policies of solving threats or ongoing unexpected events. They get acquainted with particular procedures followed at the site of an emergency, primary steps taken at the site of a criminal act and following steps of investigation bodies, and especially those responsible for penal proceedings. Graduates will also be theoretically and practically prepared to manage critical situations occurring as a result of emergency events.

Course name: Security management I
Course annotation:
The subject Security management I is based on general management. Its objective is to teach undergraduates how to solve security issues in emergency situations from a security manager’s point of view. Students are informed about basic social, legal and organizational principles affecting the security doctrine of the Czech Republic, defence and security policy of the state. Based upon the knowledge, a concise image of the state, population and corporate security system emerges. Students are then able to analyze threats, risks and emergency situations, designing the methods how to avoid and solve them. They also learn about terrorism as a phenomenon of contemporary world.

Course name: Security management II
Course annotation:
As a follow-up to Security management I and Psychology in crisis management, the aim of this course is to introduce precautionary strategy in safeguarding the progress of an organization. Emphasis is placed upon active (offensive) prevention. A security manager is in charge of preparation and practical implementation of precautionary measures. Students acquire basic knowledge of personal and property protection principles, including an overview of personal and situational risk factors. They also gain basic knowledge of the management and protection of health work, types of threats at work, methods of employee protection and the role of safety and field engineers.

Course name: Risk management
Course annotation:
The target of this subject is to acquaint students with risk management as a subsystem of corporate management. Students learn basic definitions of risk management, its approach and classification as in integral component of corporate decision-making. They also learn how to identify and analyze risk factors, design steps to be taken to eliminate them and make corrective plans. They also get acquainted with the role of a security manager within the system of risk management.

Course name: Logistics in an emergency situation
Course annotation:
The course is built upon the knowledge acquired in the Crisis management and integrated rescue system course. It develops practical skills and new information used by a security manager during the actual crisis being solved. Grounded in the knowledge of the integrated rescue system, undergraduates are able to plan and organize activities to rectify the situation, applying crisis management principles. They also acquire knowledge and skills enabling them to perform logistic tasks in an emergency situation and solve it while applying relevant legal regulations. Particular skills training is a part of Situational and decision-making tutorial.

Course name: Security audit in an organization
Course annotation:
The objective of this course is to teach students to carry out security audits. The undergraduates are able to apply the principles of security management when identifying the current and newly arising threats to an organization. They learn how to scrutinize and define security risks while making a business plan, aiming at their elimination (so that the enterprise does not threaten the environment in any way, its business remains safe and its products meet safety standards). Students are also entitled to carry out security audits as integral parts of internal and external control schemes organized by the business.

Course name: Protection of the environment
Course annotation:
The aim of this subject is to make students accept environmental protection as part and parcel of security manager’s activities. Undergraduates gain necessary information related to the environmental safety issues, get acquainted with relevant legal standards and are able to apply them in practice. They learn how to make professional judgements about events that could cause imbalance in the environment.

Course name: Fire safety
Course annotation:
The objective of this course is to acquaint students with the issues concerning combustible substances, fire extinguishers, fire prevention and first precautions in case of fire or explosion. Students are also informed about functions of electronic fire signalling, sprinklers, automatic fire alarms and the like. They should be able to use the knowledge of the employee evacuation in fire emergencies to make fire evacuation plans. They acquire the working habits in the sphere of fire repression. They also learn current fire safety regulations and gain insights into fire safety of buildings and fire stations. They will be able to cooperate professionally with firms providing fire safety services.

Course name: Protection of documents in an organization
Course annotation:
The task of this subject is to introduce rules related to the creation, administration and security of corporate documentation – personal, technological, production, commercial, accounting etc. Students acquire the rules and procedures of archive storing and discarding of documents in compliance with the present law. They learn to compile filing and discarding codes and archival diaries and to keep the document archives in a proper way. They are able to apply the rules of safe functioning of registries, filing rooms and archives.

Course name:  Situational and decision-making tutorial
Course annotation:
This tutorial should improve the ability to identify commercial risks and their solutions for a company in usual as well as emergency situations. The tutorial focuses on creative problem solving in real life situations. Students participate in security programmes of particular collaborating organizations.
The content of practical tasks derives from the issues being discussed during the lectures and seminars, as well as from the experience gained during students’ work placements, excursions and presentations of experts from the collaborating organizations. Active participation efficiently helps to create the proper habits, essential for professional decision-making.

Course name: Diploma seminar
Course annotation:
The objective of the seminar is to provide students with requirements for their Bachelor thesis projects, whose defence is a part of the final state examination.

Course name: Internship scheme
Course annotation:
PCES study programmes place special emphasis upon work experience and thorough preparation for graduates’ professional placements. The undergraduates obtain practical experience during two follow-up internships in cooperating institutions – in the fourth and at the end of the last semester.
Expected outcomes:

  1. comparison of theoretical knowledge obtained with practical experience;
  2. creative participation in development programmes;
  3. creation of essential working habits and skills;
  4. gathering of materials for Bachelor thesis projects;
  5. arousing interest in working within the chosen field;
  6. development of undergraduates’ responsibility for their own work results and decisions;
  7. arousing undergraduates’ possible interest in concluding a contract of employment with the organization before the end of their studies.


Internship schedule:
1st year – preparation:

  1. Visits to selected organizations and meetings with executive and security management representatives.
  2. Meetings, lectures and seminars with managers and security managers from cooperating organizations.
  3. Meeting with an executive from an international organization (in the 2nd semester).


2nd year:

  1. Situational and decision-making tutorial run in the fourth and sixth semester under the supervision of lecturers (practitioners) from cooperating organizations.
  2. The first internship (15 working days, in the fourth semester) is coordinated by an assigned member of the teaching staff. Objectives of the first entry:
  3. getting acquainted with the business environment and establishing contact with the organization (with particular leaders and a Bachelor project supervisor);
  4. specification of the Bachelor project;
  5. participation in the organization’s security and development operations, adjusting to the work schedule;
  6. entering into long-term extra-curricular cooperation with the organization.


3rd year:

  1. Situational and decision-making tutorial run in accordance with the plan in the fifth and sixth semesters under the supervision of lecturers (practitioners) from cooperating organizations.
  2. The second internship (20 working days, in the sixth semester) in the same organization as the first one. Informal creative cooperation continues. Specific objectives of the second entry:
  3. completion of Bachelor project (or source materials at least);
  4. comparison of undergraduates’ theoretical knowledge with the daily routines of the organization;
  5. undergraduates’ recognition of responsibility for the results of managerial decisions and their consequences (positive – leading to self-assurance, as well as negative – leading to self-criticism and rectification),
  6. development of undergraduates’ skill of constructive criticism and matter-of-fact discussion;
  7. active involvement in solving security-operational and situational issues;
  8. establishing cooperation with the Bachelor project supervisor (including his/her assessment report within the given deadline).


Course name: Politology
Course annotation:
The objective of this facultative course is to introduce political theory and outline its analytical methods in order to help students find their feet both in their professional and social life. This is achieved through informative (educational), formative (pedagogical) and motivational (stimulating) tasks. Students understand basic principles of democracy, political systems and government institutions. They also grasp the logic of political behaviour, problems of power, authority and international relations. They learn how to apply the selected political methods.

Course name: European Union
Course annotation:
The objective of this facultative course is to understand duties arising from the membership of the Czech Republic in the European Union. Students understand the basics of European integration, problems of monetary union, trends in the EU enlargement and articles of the Maastricht treaty. They form a coherent idea of the essence, structure and working of the EU.

Course name: European security and safety standards
Course annotation:
The objective of this facultative course is to acquaint students with the European safety standards in particular areas of security management. Undergraduates will find the knowledge obtained useful in other professional courses.

Course name: Government and private security services
Course annotation:
The objective of this facultative course is to acquaint students with the system of state and non-state security services they will encounter in their professional life. The course focuses on the Czech Police, Metropolitan Police, Military Police and the Czech intelligence services. Students get acquainted with legal norms regulating the organization and activities of the above state security services as well as the rules of private security services, in order to grasp the differences.

Course name: Classified information in an organization
Course annotation:
The objective of this facultative course is to outline ways of protecting classified information, personal data, business secrets and other information in an organization. Students understand that the security of a company represents a specific kind of activities which intervene in all processes, ranging from personal, organizational and administrative measures to aspects of modern technology. They should be able to design the concept of a safety inspection of the corporation and a follow-up protection of classified information.

Course name:  Protection against money laundering
Course annotation:
The objective of this facultative course is to acquaint students with economic and security fundamentals of the law about some measures against legalization of profits from criminal activities. Students grasp the background of money laundering which concerns not only financial institutions, such as banks and insurance companies, but also other enterprises, e. g. those running gambling machines, casinos or real-estate businesses. They are also able to duly and objectively identify imminent danger and introduce rectification measures.

Course name: Introduction to expertise
Course annotation:
The objective of this facultative course is to introduce basic information about the field of expert activities. Students get acquainted with legal standards regulating auditory services, basic rights and duties of auditors and experts, their competences in civil and criminal expertise. They obtain knowledge of systematic investigation of events and their consequences as well as of particular auditory areas along with their specific enquiry methods. Graduates are able to put theoretical knowledge of investigating emergency events into practice.

Course name: Emergency planning
Course annotation:
Based on recent knowledge about crisis management and the integrated rescue system, the objective of this facultative course is to teach students how to acquire relevant information and subsequently make an emergency plan. Students are able to draw up a real emergency plan, applicable in a particular organization, and argue for its usefullness.